
How Real is Your World?

The subconscious mind has no ability to question, reason or consciously comprehend and can be programmed to override basic instinct. … Our brains are amazing, yet they can be lazy if we are not mindful of driving them. Mind control or dissociation is like a well worn rut or groove in the brain. Imagine rivers of thought so entrenched that thinking free of that pathway is akin to pushing the river in a new direction. It requires mental deliberateness and conscious determination. The most effective way to reach that mental deliberateness and conscious determination is to re-establish free thought.   —Cathy O’Brien, PTSD: Time to Heal

Mind control: what a strange thing. It’s certainly nothing I ever thought I’d take seriously. Mind control is the stuff of spy movies, cults, and books about psychopaths, things that never held any real interest for me. Here I am, though, nearly five years into learning that almost all I thought was true is a lie.

I am the victim of mind control. You are the victim of mind control. We all are, unless, perhaps, any of us have managed to find a shelter of some sort with no connection to civilization, but if you’re reading this, you haven’t.

The center cannot hold, because the foundation turns out to be made of sand: grains keep shifting and sliding away. Some grains have to do with the institutional Church, some have to do with the “official” history of the world (most of them), some have to do with elected servants (let us not forget that they are supposed to serve, not control, us), and then there are those related to health, entertainment, academia: you name it.

Cathy O’Brien has testified before Congress that she was rescued from a life of sexual abuse that began when she was about six months old and continued at the hands of people like Gerald Ford (yes, that Gerald Ford), Senator Robert Byrd, and others who were simply supposed to be governing this nation: making laws and executing the laws, nothing more. Her story is almost physically painful to read or hear, but hear it we must, if we ever hope to extricate ourselves from the web of lies and propaganda that keep us enslaved. You are living in Plato’s cave. You always have been, and if you don’t start looking for a way out now, you’ll get buried.

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