• Thoughts

    Time for Hope

    Jesus has redeemed the time. I’d not understood this until recently. I thought that we (each of us Christians) were called to redeem the time. Where did I come up with such a notion? Well, here and there, from this…

  • Thoughts

    Who Wrote that Book?

    Most of my life was largely guided by unquestioned assumptions: my parents loved me, school was a good thing, following the rules was a guarantee of success. I know that my parents loved me, but the other stuff? Well, let’s…

  • Thoughts

    All We Need for the Journey

    For one reason or another, I saved a Magnificat meditation by Dorothy Day. Her words appear in purple. Today the atmosphere is very heavy. Rain threatens. So often one is overcome with a tragic sense of the meaninglessness of our…

  • Thoughts

    An Encounter

    Monsignor Lorenzo Albacete tells me that being a Christian is about an encounter with Jesus that changes your entire life. I don’t dispute what he says, but I don’t know that I can put my finger on such an encounter…

  • Thoughts

    The Emptiness of the World

    Alone on the island. It certainly feels that way. Yes, that is the nature of humanity, in which we are each alone in our own bodies, experiencing the world through our individual senses. “It is ironic that the one thing…