
Might This be Called Poetic Thinking?

I understand that there is little I can do about the chaos of the world that is burning now, but I can be informed. I can make the effort, do the work, study, read, look at issues from more than one angle, and share with my teeny, tiny audience. Why do I turn to Twitter more than any other platform? Because on Twitter, for the most part, the people who are open to learning might pick up the baton and run with it.

Once again, I’m reminded of the liberty I’ve unearthed in recent years. Living the life God has in mind for you, by not worrying about the future and not dissecting the past, is freedom.

Will I explain further? No. I’m tired of that. Remember? I’m tired of making sure fact checkers will find no fault. I’m over citing sources and doublechecking the accuracy of quotes, because I’m over quotes. I have a voice. It’s time to use it.

I wonder when the Liberal Arts got transformed into STEM studies. That’s not to say that it actually has. I just mean that asking questions that may turn out to be nonsensical is a good way to get to the heart of the matter. Think about abstract art and abstract thinking. Just think.

Art, writing, music: all of that is about creating, and since none of us conjure out of thin air, like God, we each need to start with a given of some sort. I don’t think enough people, especially those of a “critical persuasion,” are conscious of this. But maybe I’m wrong.

Little and great; good and bad; past, present, and to come: we all have a part to play, and none of us knows how the story ends.

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