
Person or Commodity?

When I look back at my writing, I notice common themes, and while in the past, it bothered me, because it seemed like I was unable to move forward or entertain an original thought, I no longer feel that way. We each have only so much time in a day to explore what interests us or involves us, so why would anyone be expected to explore new topics each time she sat at a keyboard to get down her thoughts? Besides, I could never delve into a subject like art, writing, or faith and think that I had dealt with it completely in one (thousand-word?) blog post. I’ve come to think of each post as a section in a book, and granted, the book probably doesn’t have an especially coherent structure, but I am not an especially structured person, or, maybe more accurately, whatever my person’s structure, it’s not terribly coherent.

One of the overriding themes that has woven its way into my writing is the subject of inherent human dignity, because it, more than anything else, is so fundamental that freedom cannot exist without it—not true freedom, no matter appearances to the contrary. I am either a sovereign person, with God-given rights, ensured by the U.S. Constitution, that cannot be taken away, or I am a product/commodity/vassal to be taxed, mandated, herded, tracked, or traded.

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