• Thoughts

    Sharing an Apple

    Poet Jane Hirshfield is new to me. Robert Bly is the one who introduced us, in his book, Looking for Dragon Smoke, and although I knew Bly’s name, I had paid it no attention (perhaps because none of my college…

  • Thoughts

    I Would Make that Trade

    I got to see my six-month-old grandson today. I love him so much and we had a great time talking, munching on toys, trying a new food (him, not me), laughing, and hugging. He showed up here with his parents,…

  • Thoughts

    Late Nights and Bad Memories

    It’s a gorgeous, sunny day with blue skies, white snow, and green trees out my window. The driveway could use some shoveling, so I’m sure I’ll be out in the fresh air before the dark descends around 5:00, which feels…

  • Thoughts

    Just a Pebble in a Pond

    St. Thérèse taught the value of the “Little Way”—a path to holiness that lay in performing all our daily tasks and duties in a spirit of love and in the presence of God. Dorothy embraced this teaching. She believed that…

  • Thoughts

    Where Does One Begin?

    Now, it is no longer a child who is going to tell this story and that is regrettable. It is a man. Worse yet, it is the university professor I have become. I will have to guard myself very carefully…

  • Thoughts

    Daring Despite the Danger

    “The known, our current story, protects us from the unknown, from chaos—which is to say, provides our experience with determinate and predictable structure. … When we are in the domain of the known, so to speak, there is no reason…

  • Thoughts

    New Narratives

    It has arrived: the first day of 2022. Why have I looked forward to it with such longing? Is it simply the notion of starting fresh, cleaning out the old and tired and worn? Is it that 2021 was a…

  • Thoughts

    Thinking and Knowing

    Art and poetry get banished from our lives, and we are impoverished. We put our hands in our empty pockets and wonder why nothing fills them. We turn to roadmaps and instruction manuals but are still unable to decipher how…

  • Thoughts

    Gift Giving

    Recent days have been especially conversation heavy. After all, there is a lot going on in the world, and nothing is as it seems. I depend on others—in books, online—to help me see what is beneath the surface, and I…

  • Thoughts

    Breadcrumbs at My Feet

    I have come to value irony and nuance, and I have found so much of both lately (because I’m looking for them?) that I can’t quite help being happy, calm, and at peace. Clues are all around us, people reveal…

  • Thoughts

    The Words I Choose

    Freedom, love, duty, faith: these words have taken up residence in my mind, and they don’t seem likely to hightail it out of town any time soon. Safety, on the other hand, is a word absolutely not welcome in my…