• Thoughts

    Paint and Pixel Notions

    Thoughts about art cavort in my mind with all the other stuff that gets crammed into my cranium each day. Two days ago, those paint-and-pixel notions got more articulated than is often the case, as evidenced in the journal entry…

  • Thoughts

    Forest or Trees?

    I have a song stuck in my head: “The Big Picture” by Tori Amos, a release from her very first album, Y Kant Tori Read. Of course, Dennis has this in his collection. His modus operandi concerning music has long…

  • Thoughts

    Dubris Light

    “It’s all trickery and ambiguity. A single thread is like a spider web, pull and it’s gone, but try to free yourself and you get even more entangled. And the base and weak rule over the strong.” — Boris Pasternak,…