• Thoughts

    Your Own Darkness

    Carl Jung wrote, “Knowing your own darkness is the best method for dealing with the darknesses of other people.” Jung is another one of those people I’ve not let myself explore, but it might be time to change that. The…

  • Thoughts

    The Compartmentalization of Attention

    Thanks to the attention-span-killing Internet, it becomes harder to pay anything the attention it deserves. This works well for those who exploit it. What was earthshattering news last week can barely be recalled today. We more easily forget and, to…

  • Thoughts

    Almost a Year

    The day after Ash Wednesday, I remembered my not terribly solid Lenten tradition of reading The Gaze of Love by Sister Wendy Beckett, so I pulled the book off the shelf and quickly caught up. The subtitle is Meditations on…

  • Thoughts


    Groupthink: A Study in Self Delusion turned out to be rather a different book that what I thought I was in for. I sometimes buy books impetuously, skimming descriptions as quickly as possible, glancing at a review or two, and…

  • Thoughts

    May Day

    A new month makes me feel like I should start something new. As such, I got outside with my camera, and am now sitting here at my computer, thinking and writing. There has been no dearth of reading for me…

  • Thoughts

    On Education and Coercion

    With our freedoms rapidly being stolen, thanks to a narrative bent on inciting pandemic panic, I found this old post, written 7 July 2018, quite timely. As I near the end of Blood and Thunder by Hampton Sides, I find myself shaking…

  • Thoughts

    In My Head

    If there were any day to sit down and write, this would seem to be the one. Jeff and Nick are not here to work on the porch, Luke is using my studio as an office, and everyone else is…