
This is How I See it

A few days ago, I came across a heartbreaking video of a bloodied child from Palestine. The woman who shared it is rightly upset about the genocide going on under our noses. She wrote, “Tell me again how offensive and hateful you think the college protests are? I’m not understanding how anyone cannot want the world to shut down to stop this now and forever more.”

The entire situation is utterly abhorrent, and I can understand her rage and feelings of powerlessness, but nothing (especially in war) is black and white, and I’m beginning to wonder if the most pernicious aspect of social media is the widespread distillation of complicated topics into tiny, meaningless points of contention that keep human beings fighting each other just for the sake of—what, exactly? Passing the time? A momentary stroke to the ego? A feeling that “there’s something to be done, and I’ve just done it”?

Big picture-wise, I know why anything that divides us is promoted, but why do we keep falling for it?

I’m not saying that these images are not important. They should be shared, because the truth dies in the dark, but it’s never as simple as one side is right, and it’s never as straightforward as we’re made to believe. Who’s funding Hamas? We are. Who’s funding Israel? We are. The problem with the student protests is that the students are are being used and the protests are being funded to divide and weaken us further. Worse, the organizations bankrolling them are also spending big bucks on pro-Israeli stuff. Don’t you see? It’s never been about one side being the right one and one being the wrong one. It has always been about the entities with the power and money keeping the power and money by getting anyone who would turn against them to turn against one another. Limiting the quantity of death and destruction has never been the goal, even if the propaganda claims otherwise. In fact, the more the better. After all, when you’re perched on the tip of the pyramid, trying not to get knocked off it, having fewer people to keep in your sites and fewer obstacles to obstruct the view does nothing but benefit you.

Further, I don’t believe for a second that a loving God would EVER choose one group of people over another: talk about creating God in the image of man. I don’t know how to stop this genocide, but I do know that playing along with the organizers of this twisted, power hungry bullshit by setting ourselves up against one another is simply stepping into the roles they have written for us, and that does nothing but help them achieve their ends.

Truth comes from God, who existed long before religions, churches, nations, and other institutions were created by humans.

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