
Let It Be an End in Itself

Do you ever feel like you belong nowhere? I’m going through such an experience now, feeling sort of homeless. I keep telling myself to unpack my bags and settle, that I can stay here, that I can be happy here, that—most importantly—I can be myself here. Sometimes it works for a little while, but never quite long enough. That’s when I begin to question and reassess. I reorganize and make plans. I tell myself that I just need to do things differently and that it will all come together if I just tweak this or that.

Why continue? Why give it up? Why not live in the present and get down the thoughts presently in my head? What if I come to regret what I published here? What if I find myself grateful for making the effort?

There are plenty of questions, but not enough answers. Or maybe, it’s that there are even more answers than questions.

Can we ever really know? Probably not. So, I guess the thing to do is to make the effort anyway.

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