
Such Times

“Courage, Merry.”

Dennis, the kids, and I revived our Christmas tradition of watching The Lord of the Rings trilogy. It took a long time; we came to the end of all things just a couple of nights ago, and now, Eowyn’s encouragement to her hobbit friend echoes in my mind.

Courage is needed now. I won’t add “more than ever,” because that can’t possibly be true. I imagine that plenty of people far worse off than I could quickly give me a lesson in perspective. Be that as it may, looking at the world, our nation’s place in it, and even our own individual movements on the stage is not likely to inspire confidence—not in anyone with integrity who has honestly tried to get to the bottom of what is really taking place around us.

The person dubbed “President of the United States” was fraudulently elected, and no amount of propaganda by the media arm of the those who stole the election can change that. I have faith that many who took oaths to serve the Constitution of the United States will do what it takes to unseat the impostor. If that does not happen, we will never again have a free and fair presidential election in this great nation of ours.

The world is watching the events of the coming weeks and months, and ironically, from what I have seen, more of the people outside these United States than in it understand that liberty is on the line, and that their fates are intricately entwined with ours.

If any of this is news to you, all I can say is, don’t get too comfortable.

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