

It is still too sunny to deal with any images in Lightroom. In other words, there is too much light for Lightroom. Sounds strange, I know, but having my desk in front of the living room’s back window has affected the way I work. Well, maybe it’s more accurate to say, “the way I don’t work.”

Be that as it may, I’ll sit tight, turning to my notes and my keyboard, rather than the images I just downloaded from my memory card, or any other images for that matter. By the end of the day, though, at least one will be here at The Ruff Draft to accompany this post.

By the way, notice anything different? (Besides all the black.) I have been catching the words I need to hear—often found in books, but every once in awhile uttered in response to something I’ve written (thank you, Larry; I needed yours)—and using them to shore up my determination to keep creating and keep sharing, and—perhaps most radical of all—to stop compartmentalizing. So, from here on out, you get what you get: sometimes words, sometimes photographic images or digital art, quite possibly even the art I create with tools like pencils and paint. It will be just me and my work (which quite often will look more like play), as, perhaps, it should have been all along.

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